Relia-NET Business & Home Networking Solutions

Reliable Network & PC support you can count on.

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The efficient integration of technology is the key to your organization's success. From needs analysis to implementation and day-to-day support, our innovative expert team can help you find solutions that will maximize productivity within your company's budget.

We offer IT infrastructure support all the way from the desktop out to the WAN. Firewalls, VPNs and anti-virus solutions are just a few of the services we offer.

Key Benefits Relia-NET adds to any organization:

*      An expert IT/Systems integration person is available to you when you need them most, No more trying to figure it out only to find it seems worse than when you started or worse yet productivity is lost when someone has to stop what they normally do to try and diagnose an IT related problem that isn’t “their cup of tea” which takes twice as long to fix, if at all.

*      We know the technologies that keep you in contact with the world and can install or trouble shoot them quickly and efficiently with minimal impact to your organization. We can design then implement a solution that is tailored to fit your organizations specific needs, whether you have outgrown your current setup or it’s time to implement your own we can show you the way.

*      Hardware is an extremely important part of any setup and getting the best equipment for the best price can be very daunting. Relia-NET can assist you in finding the best equipment for your budget, and since we are vendor independent we will show you where the best deals are so you know you’re getting the most out of your IT dollar.



Whether you need help with Virtual Private Networking (VPN's), Intrusion Detection Systems, Firewall configuration, Router configuration, Virus protection, Spam filtering or Adware/Spyware protection our experts are here to help.
Most companies are at risk of unauthorized access through the Internet and from insiders. Utilizing good security techniques will measurably heighten the future success and dependability of any business.

Are you vulnerable to attack? The Internet can give your company a tremendous advantage, but the pipe flows both ways. As soon as you plug in, you become a valid target for attack. In, fact, all connected hosts will be "scanned" for vulnerabilities. The question is who will get the report; the hackers or you? What does your company look like over the wire? Find out how you're vulnerable and how to protect yourself from intrusion.

Where are your internal vulnerabilities? According to the latest CSI/FBI survey of computer crime, 80% of member companies reported insider abuse of network access. You may have secured your perimeter, but are you sure your company is safe from disgruntled employees, vendors, or even people off the street?

For the most comprehensive assessment of the security risks in your organization, sit down with our on-site engineers to plan and perform a full security audit. We'll prepare a comprehensive statement of work outlining the critical components of the audit, with time estimates for each phase


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Last modified: 12/08/04